University of the Third Age
Mindfulness and Meditation
Continuation Sessions
u3a Continuation Sessions Mindfulness and Meditation Resources. To join these sessions go to u3a Trust Online Learning Events
Joy, Savouring and Awe
Loving Kindness and Compassion
Purpose and Meaning
Perspective and Gratitude
Continuation of Practice
From Negative to Positive
Attention and Awareness
Connecting with Nature
Addressing Fears and Loneliness
Inwards and Outwards
12 .Changing Habits
13. Beginner's Mind
14. Informal Mindfulness
15. The Four Immeasurables
16. The Spiral and the Web of Life
17. Awe
18.Mindfulness and Breathing
19. Visualisation Meditations
20. Affirmations
21. The Senses, Foraging and Savouring
22. The Journey of Mindful Heroes