u3a Series:

Mindfulness and Meditation

University of the Third Age series on Mindfulness and Meditation

This is the site for the University of the Third Age series on Mindfulness and Meditation.   We have run this series seven times in the last two years,  and more than 900 people have so far participated.   The series will run again in Autumn 2024 - watch this site for further details.  If you are a member of u3a, you can sign up for these free sessions at Mindfulness and Meditation SignOn.     

Whether or not you have participated in the live sessions, you are very weclome to explore and make use of the resources on this website.  Please use the drop down menu to access additional resources for each of the six sessions.  These include short explanatory videos, guided meditations and mindful movement videos.   You can download most of these by clicking the name.

If you are joining the course for the first time, please look at the following three videos:

Introduction to the Website

Introduction to Mindfulness

Using Breakout Rooms

You will find participant response to the second series here:  Summary of  Feedback

And here is participant response to the third series:  Comments about the Third Series

Click here for more on our Mindful Ageing online course 

For information on our weekly drop-in sessions please email us at u3a@mindfulageing.org


We have now set up monthly Continuation Sessions, which are at 10am on the third Thursday in the month.  To register, please go to u3a Continuation Session.   We hope you will join us!